Transport, Highways & Environment
TranSul combines traditional engineering and new technologies to deliver easier, safer and more reliable transport in our increasingly connected and ever more populous world.
Delivering integrated construction services to build lasting success
When you partner with TranSul, you not only get innovative solutions, you get our fully vested team and a commitment to doing things right. Our relentless focus on success leads to smarter more collaborative building practices.
No matter the challenge, we build on what we know works and elevate your vision of success
Transport and Highways
As a partner of choice, our industry-leading expertise, strategic insight and capability span the full transport ecosystem. We reimagine infrastructure across urban transport, highways & roads, bridges, maritime and airports & aviation.
We create tailored solutions that serve the best interests of the natural and lived environment.
We do this by using technology and our expertise to enhance, rather than diminish, the natural and built world: we enable our clients to realise that their long-term goals and the planet’s future wellbeing really can go hand-in-hand.
We make journeys better and exploring easier – by helping to make roads safer and our streets and green spaces clean.
At Transul, we work through locally-based teams, support communities by helping to create better, safer and more pleasant places through the provision of integrated highway design, well-designed streets, well-maintained grounds, modern public lighting and efficient maintenance solutions.
Ultimately, investing to create well-functioning, safe spaces which minimise disruption, keep people moving and support thriving communities.
Transport and Environment
To achieve net zero, adapt to climate change and meet the other challenges facing society today, we urgently need to conserve, manage and replenish our environmental resources as we develop the infrastructure that society needs. Our clients include public authorities, infrastructure developers, property companies and landowners. We help them to protect the environment through effective management of land, air and water.
Our service is comprehensive: including air quality, biodiversity, noise, community engagement, environmental assessment and management, land quality, water, resources and waste, and the maintenance and protection of historic environments.
Transport Planning
Roads have been central to economic and social development for hundreds of years. Across the world today, road operators and decision makers face many evolving challenges: increasing driver numbers, constrained budgets, asset resilience, road user safety and customers’ service expectations